Amos Yee’s mother Mary Toh posted a heartfelt letter to her son on her Facebook page, in commemoration of Yee’s 19th birthday, on 31 October.

In the letter, Toh wrote that she is glad her son always takes things positively and thanked his well-wishers for supporting him.

She also wrote to her son:

“Thank you for your last few words to me before leaving Singapore. You told me to spend time helping people instead of worrying for you or missing you. You said that if any mishap happens to you, you are ready to die without any regrets as you have already led a very fulfilling life. These words give me strength and relief. I know you have always wanted the world to be a better place for everyone and you wish to see everybody leading a happy life.”

Meanwhile, Yee returned to Facebook this week to ask his followers for money. Writing on his social media page on Wednesday, Yee said that he only has $1000 left in his bank account which he intends to use to survive for the next two months.

Revealing that he owes a well-wisher $4000 and that he hopes to lead a relatively good life, where he is able to purchase luxury items he likes, Amos has resorted to crowdfunding online.

In his post, the cash-strapped video blogger also clarified that he does not wish to get a job to earn money:

“Now say in the worse case scenario nobody wants to donate money to support my work and I run out of money. Am I going to get a part-time job that I don’t like? No. I would go and borrow money from people who are willing to lend me something (which very thankfully I think I have a few of.). Most people wouldn’t do that, they’d detest the very idea of not being financially-independent and a ‘low-life’ relying on someone. But to me, it’s very important that I lead the kind of life I want and do the things I love, a part-time job that takes hours off your day ruins that. The feeling of ‘shamelessness’ on relying on others for money is much more worth making half your life or more of your life miserable, at least for me.”