Actress XiXi Lim dealt with class and grace with a fat-shamer who slid unwelcome messages into her DMs.

Ms Lim’s responses to a commenter who goes by @4o7j1h6w2m9x and who made numerous malicious remarks about her size were also noticed by the media, and the actress, sharing one of the stories on social media, expressed her gratitude.

She wrote, “I’m well-loved by all of you. Thank you,” on her IG Stories on Wednesday, along with a screenshot of an article on

On June 28, the actress, 33, shared some of the messages she’d received from a particular person, many of which referenced Ms Lim’s size.

One message even unkindly compared her to an elephant. In another, the commenter wrote that the actress should “do yourself a favour and start a weight loss programme”.

In yet another, the commenter even wrote that they are not, in fact, fat-shaming and gave the example of British singer Adele, who used to be plus-sized but has since lost a lot of weight.

“Her personality shines through even more now and healthily too. Hmmmph,” the commenter wrote, oblivious to the fact that it’s extremely rude to comment on anyone’s body.

Ms Lim, who is under no obligation to educate the public on good manners, kept her cool and answered the commenter politely, telling them they are “free to have your own opinions on things I post.”


“I’ve mention since day 1 that I can’t stop anyone from targeting on my size since being fat/plus size is a FACT and I can’t hide or change that in a short period of time.

As a plus size girl, I’ve never encouraged anyone to be big/fat or said that IT’S OKAY to be overweight/obese. In fact, I know it’s definitely not healthy and can lead to many health risks in the future.

All I’m saying is while you are working or moving towards your desired goal, you should learn to embrace and love yourself,” she continued.

She added that she has been working toward getting physically fit and that she is doing this for herself, and not for anyone else.

“Everyone is unique and everyone deserves to be loved no matter how you look. Love has no boundaries and everyone is unique in their own way.”

Ms Lim even added, “Lastly, thank you for following me and keeping me in check! Have a great day”.

Not only did her fans cheer the actress on, but she may also likely have won even more people over.


‘Ah Girls Go Army’ sparks online discussion on fat-shaming