Singapore – In light of the recent news on heart-breaking animal abuse incidents related to Platinum Dogs Club, one student decided to do something about it and spoke up.
It has been more than three weeks since the public was made aware of the cruel ongoings at a pet boarding and grooming services company, the Platinum Dogs Club. It was also just a few days ago that the whereabouts of a beloved Prince was made known. Unfortunately, the furry doggo has passed away while staying at PDC and was cremated without the knowledge and consent of his despairing owners. Read more about this saddening journey below.
Because of PDC’s maltreatment and abuse, more than 18 dogs were affected and 4 passed away. This news sparked outrage in the country. Many are demanding for a review and revision of the current laws in order to provide better protection for animals in Singapore.
People are not merely expressing their disapproval and disappointment at how animals are being treated, they are doing something about it too. Roderick Low, a member of the public, has started a petition that aims “to seek justice for those voiceless furry kids who can’t speak for themselves and tell us what happened inside the facility and how much they have suffered.” The petition is also for the implementation of stricter punishment for animal abusers, moving forward.
For those who want to sign the petition, you may click on the following link: Let’s reach 75,000 signatures. The petition currently has more than 67,000 signatures. Only a bit more to go!
The voice for change has no age limit. Ng Xin Hui, a student from Poi Ching School, heard of the news on animal cruelty and was prompted to take actions.
Only 10 years old, Ng has given a short talk in her school about her advocacy on January 9. She has started her own petition and was able to get 40 signatures from her schoolmates. Here is what she wrote on her petition:

I am Ng Xin Hui and I am 10 years old this year. I heard about the news of a women ill-treating dogs and a rabbit. They were found with skin problems, scars, illness and some even died of starvation! People were angry and sad but they decided to step up and do something about it. One of them even kneeled down pleading the women asking where is her dog. At that point, I felt that I needed to step up to do something. The worse thing is that the women even ignored her. Some even went to her house and confronted her. Now, everybody knows about it and are writing their feelings about animal abuse.
I hope that the women would be sentenced to jail and also hope that there would not be any other animal abusing related news in the future. By doing that, we must be kind to them as they also have a life.
Her draft for her speech can be seen below:

See the post by Poi Ching School here:
From her petition to her speech, it is clear that Ng has the rare characteristic of empathy. She could sympathise with others, even the furry kids who had no power to escape their torture while in PDC. Heartfelt, simple and completely powerful.
As for the PDC case, investigations are still ongoing.
The online community is applauding Ng for her initiative and can see a bright future ahead of her.

Lim Lee Peng has already declared the future CEO of AVA.

Nickolas KS Lim makes an unfortunately accurate comment on how Ng has more sense compared to a lot of other “brilliant minds” in society.