
By: Jix Tee

I refer to the article ‘Ritz-Carlton Millenia Singapore’s line of umbrellas to keep PM Lee dry draws hilarious responses’ (https://theindependent.sg.sg/ritz-carlton-millenia-singapores-line-of-umbrellas-to-keep-pm-lee-dry-draws-hilarious-responses), and note with sadness that the seed has fallen far from the tree.

Lee Kuan Yew believed in a rugged society where Singaporeans “live lives as free men in an open society, not as sycophants or worse, as serfs doing other people’s bidding.” (http://www.nas.gov.sg/archivesonline/data/pdfdoc/lky19660810.pdf)

He lived by example and never allowed anyone to lift an umbrella for him.
He braved the rain to reach his people.

And because of that, the people braved the rain to send him off in a memorable manner two years ago.

See also  Heng Swee Keat's confusing speech contrasted with clear remark by Lee Kuan Yew