Jamus Lim

Opposition Member of Parliament Jamus Lim recently countered the Singaporean government’s move to raise the Goods and Services Tax (GST) by one per cent come 2023, and Singaporeans are backing him given the current economic situation in Singapore.

In recent news, Mr Lim pushed against the plan to raise the GST, arguing that the tax increase could eventually raise overall prices because of the increase in costs that businesses would have to deal with and the possible strain on supply that could follow.

In response to this news, many Singaporeans have expressed their support for Jamus Lim on social media, with many also making their own arguments.

“One per cent can mean a lot to many,” said one, “especially (the) elderly and lower-income families. (I’ve) been there, so I know how it feels to struggle working multiple jobs just to keep up with the raised standard of living!”

While many expressed their support for the postponing of the GST hike, others shared their day-to-day experiences living through the current economic situation.

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“In the first place, necessities, especially food and basic needs, should not have GST,” argued another.

“Water supply, we need, but we have to pay GST. Electricity, we also need, (but we) also have to pay GST. Candles, we need to buy…(and we) also have to pay GST. Menstrual pads, we need, (and we) also have to pay GST. People are dying man.”

Image: screengrab from Facebook comments / The Straits Times
Image: screengrab from Facebook comments / The Straits Times
Image: screengrab from Facebook comments / The Straits Times
Image: screengrab from Facebook comments / The Straits Times
Image: screengrab from Facebook comments / The Straits Times
Image: screengrab from Facebook comments / The Straits Times
Image: screengrab from Facebook comments / The Straits Times
Image: screengrab from Facebook comments / The Straits Times
Image: screengrab from Facebook comments / The Straits Times
Image: screengrab from Facebook comments / The Straits Times



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Jamus Lim: Resident shares concerns over migrant professionals crowding out locals – Singapore News 

Resident talks to Jamus Lim about challenges singles face in Singapore 

Resident tells Jamus Lim that higher prices are “too close, too many, can’t breathe” – Singapore News