Job hopping doesn’t necessarily mean disloyalty to your employer or inability to hold down a steady job. It can also have a positive connotation. There are several merits to job hopping. Job hoppers with varied work experiences and wider skillsets can be perceived as being ambitious and possessing leadership qualities. Reason being, they take the risk to explore other opportunities that may lead to a promising and fulfilling career.

1. Job hopping is very common

Well, this would not be true in the strictest sense of the the words. Yes people are changing jobs often but not all are running away after short periods. Studies have actually shown that millennials, most commonly accused of this, are actually hopping less owing to economic factors.

2. Job hopping indicates lack of loyalty

It was the norm for our fathers and mothers to hold down the same job until retirement. People from the older generation, also known as baby boomers, are exalted for their loyalty towards their employers. The present generation, known as the millennials, are touted to be job hoppers as they shift from one organisation to another every few years. But this doesn’t necessarily mean disloyalty. On the contrary, there are several valid reasons for an individual to move from one company to another. In this fast paced setting, millennials strive to do what needs to be done to stay afloat.

3. Job hopping leads to lack of expertise

It is believed by some that if a person changes jobs often, they will not be proficient in their fields. This is an incorrect assumption since many a times changing jobs leads to exposure to different work environments.

In a situation where companies have to keep up with volatile markets, an employee with varied work experiences is more suited to adapt than someone with limited exposure.

4. Job hopping is disastrous to career and income

Holding onto the same job doesn’t mean that your job is secure for life. You can be let go for whatever reason or worse yet, you can become stagnant in your career path. When you work for different companies, you have the opportunity to learn the various strategies employed by each organisation. You become familiar with the ins and outs of the industry. The accumulated knowledge or expertise can help you become an entrepreneur or leader in your field.

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5. Job hopping = lack of focus

You may feel that a person is changing one job after another because they don’t know what they want in life. You could be right in some cases but in reality, the situation could be the very opposite of that. The person could actually be looking to advance their career and has actually moved from one opportunity to another. It is also possible that there is a strong reason for them to leave their old jobs. Either ways, a person deserves a chance to explain the many changes.

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What are the reasons for job hopping?

Limited growth potential: Most individuals have the need to explore and expand their horizons. Same applies to career growth. Being stagnant in your career may lead to job dissatisfaction. Those who work hard at their jobs also expect to see a rise in their career graph. If a company doesn’t offer its employees the opportunity to grow, the logical thing to do would be to move to another job with a promising career growth.

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A wide range of skillsets: Needs and wants change with time. Same is the case with job skills. The progressive development in science and technology prompts the need for a new set of skills to be learnt every few years. You need to learn new skills to stay relevant in the job market. Keep yourself updated with new tools, software, and courses.

With a wide range of skills, you get more job opportunities and a better pay. In your effort to learn new skills, you may also stumble upon your passion. Lucky are those who get to earn a living doing what they love.

Related: 5 Ways to Be a More Skilled Worker

Higher salary: All your efforts to stay relevant in your profession is ultimately a means to an end. In this case, the end is the ability to demand a higher salary for your skills, versatility, and varied work experience. One of the main reasons a salaried employee in Singapore looks for a new job is to get a higher pay. Earning a decent income and managing your finances well will ensure a comfortable lifestyle and better standard of living.

Related: 8 Mistakes to Avoid in Salary Negotiations

Keep reading the BankBazaar blog for more insights into career issues, together with tips to master your money and get better at life.

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