Singaporean teen rebel Amos Yee left Singapore for Chicago in December of 2016 and has never looked back since. That is, until recently, as one netizen Lester Kok predicted.

Yee sought asylum in the United States after fearing persecution here in Singapore. He also wanted to “escape the horrible anti-free speech laws in Singapore”.

In 2015, Yee was charged after engaging in hate speech against Christians in a YouTube video, and he also angered many Singaporeans after publishing an obscene image of the late former Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew. In 2016, Yee was charged again with hate speech, after posting comments that were derogatory of Christianity and Islam.

Despite the teenager moving to the United States of America for its freedom of speech, Amos Yee had his YouTube channel taken down earlier this year for its pro-paedophilia content.

With Yee only social media outlet being Facebook, one netizen, Lester Kok came up with a theory about Amos Yee and his return to Singapore.

In a Facebook post, Lester said, “You heard it here first: this infamous Amos Yee, the effing and blinding, banana-chomping, mischief-making, NS-shirking, publicity-whoring, ego-consuming, hubris-reeking, chutzpah-smacking, notoriety-trolling, Trump/Lee pissing, Quran-humping, pedophilia-pimping, Net-panhandling, mother-unloving, fate-tempting, enfant-terrrible 19-year-old hellion — all under the veneer of pseudo-free-speech activism and who happens to be the West’s first-ever court-certified political-dissident teen asylee from the Far East — may after all, be returning home from his sojourn in America”.

See also  Amos Yee granted asylum in US

Lester also added in a blogpost that it has been “3 weeks since Amos has gone AWOL and totally mum in the cybersphere (discounting his last two, June 25 and July 8, retweets of some others’ tweets)”.

Lester said that Yee has gone quiet and may return to Singapore because his source of funds has been done away with.

His Patreon account, which was his crowdfunding, or donation account, had been shut down.

As he posted on Facebook, Amos had five accounts to which he asked his fans to transfer money to:

– POSB savings account 124-91889-8 (Swift Code: DBSSSGSG)

– OCBC savings account 656-9-110387 (Swift Code: OCBCSGSG)

– Paypal:



According to Lester, three out of five of Yee’s donation-receiving accounts have been closed, with the remaining two Singapore bank accounts.

He also added that “Amos is unable to now even set up any new US banking account to receive donations as he desires because he’s not being issued a Social Security card,” leaving him no other alternative but to come back to Singapore for his money.

So far, Amos has neither confirmed nor denied this possibility.

However, whether or not Yee wants to return to Singapore, does Singapore want him back?
