After a woman endured a “surreal” date who held dearly to one truth—that size matters—she suggested that men need classes in “sexual humility.” She acknowledged, however, that this might be an “unpopular opinion.”

The woman wrote on Mar 16 on the NUS Whispers Facebook page that her date, with whom she had been matched on an app, “wasted no time in making repeated references to his ‘well-oiled SAR21’ which apparently was already in ‘houmart position.’”

Now, we have no idea what a “houmart position” is, but all it takes is a little imagination, really. A commenter, however, wrote that the correct term is “hormat.”

She surmised that her date may have gotten the “wrong impression” of her because of how she was dressed, as he mentioned her “cl**vage” was the cause of his “houmart position.”

She went on to write that he “then proceeded to blame me for causing him pain as his rifle was now ‘too long and big’ for his pants.”

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Jokes along this vein came fast and furious as the man claimed that he was a “marksman both in the shooting range and in bed” and that he could “strip weapons and dresses blindfolded”.

The man went on to make other, even more, explicit innuendoes.

The woman wrote that she did not even finish her date, ending her post by writing, “That was when I activated the toilet excuse and fled. I hope he books in late tomorrow and gets charged with guard duty.”

Commenters seemed to have enjoyed her story immensely. 

However, some suspicious netizens surmised that an NSF, or another male, or even the admins of the page, actually wrote the post and not a woman.

Since the posts are anonymous, we have no way of knowing! /TISG

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