It’s one thing to have standards when choosing a mate, but it’s another thing to require near perfection, as seen in a recent ad for an ‘upscale dating event’.
A woman named Vee Bel Lee shared the ad on the COMPLAINT SINGAPORE Facebook page on Tuesday (Sept 20), much to the amusement of many netizens.
“Not so much a complaint, but got this off a friend, and it’s apparently the criteria in order to join a more upscale dating event in Singapore.
Is this what it has come to? Especially D and J!” she wrote.
The event is open to women from their mid-20s to 37 years old and men from the ages of 29 to 39, but people one to two years above and below these ages could apply to be waitlisted.
The list, pictured below, included such requirements as men’s salaries of at least $75,000 per year and height of at least 1.75m.
Participants need to be “Pleasant & above-average looking,” not just in their own estimation but as declared by others, as well as “physically fit and healthier than most people.”
They also had to have 6/6 vision and never needed eyeglasses or contact lenses.
The only specification for women is that they had to be in the 20s age range.
The poster appealed to readers to not “take your anger nor indignance out on me. I didn’t create this list. I just saw it and posted it here. Don’t shoot the messenger.”
However, netizens commenting on the post were more amused than angry.
“If someone met 80% or all this criteria…. they would not need a dating arrangement, my friend,” one pointed out.
Others seemed to agree. “If someone is so perfect who still need to go to this stupid dating event ?” wrote another netizen.
“Whoever has all the criteria but still single is a huge red flag liao… U still dare to meet???,” a commenter chimed in.
Others were tickled at the vision requirement.
Others judged themselves based on the criteria.
One man was puzzled that being single is not among the requirements.
‘Lunch Actually’ under fire again for allegedly not providing dating services as advertised