SINGAPORE: A recent video of a young woman alighting from a Mercedes-Benz to remove the cones blocking the car’s way so it could move forward into the lorry lane and jump the line at the Causeway bridge went viral.
The 25-second clip, posted on the SGRV Admin page on June 27, has been viewed over 87,000 times, with many commenters calling out the woman, as well as the driver of the Mercedes.
The video also shows the woman walking back to the car and features a screenshot of the Mercedes-Benz’s details from One Motoring.
The caption says that the incident occurred that same day at 4:45 pm.
Netizens commenting on the post were understandably upset about the young woman’s actions.
One called it a failure of the educational system.
“Our Singapore education system has failed !!!!!”
However, another said that it’s the young people’s brains that are at fault.
“LTA should take action,” another observed.
And perhaps because the car’s registration details were on full display, one commenter chimed in with, “Good luck gone viral. Love letter will reach to Ur mail box.”
“This one really xia xuey,” one wrote, which means a disgrace or embarrassment in Chinese.
Another chose sarcasm with the following comment: “If you own a Mercedes you own the roads.”
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