On July 16, a 33-year-old woman was arrested after the Ferrari that she was driving “tumbled three times” near Lau Pa Sat.

A video of the aftermath of the accident was uploaded on All Singaporean Stuff, a page on Facebook, with the man taking the video giving a quick rundown of what had happened.

The man described that the Ferrari had “[tumbled] three times” before coming to a stop. He added that it looked like somersaults.

However, according to him, the driver looked fine.

The video also showed a huge pool of oil on the road, and the man explained that some people were pouring water over the oil to “dilute” the oil as there was a satay stall near the location of the accident.

Facebook screengrab

He also commented that it was a good thing there were bollards at the area, as it prevented the Honda that was involved in the crash, from crashing into the motorbikes that were parked behind it.

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The Honda was badly damaged, with the front bumper falling out.

Facebook screengrab

No injuries were reported, and the police arrested the woman behind the Ferrari’s wheel on suspicion of driving while intoxicated.

The video can be found here.