Singapore — The Happy People Helping People (HPHP) Community, a community welfare organisation thanked Chee Soon Juan for inviting elderly cardboard collectors to dine at his café.

In a Facebook post on Monday (Aug 23), the HPHP Community shared photos of the elderly cardboard collectors from Chinatown.

“And special thanks to Angeline, Susan, Uncle Bobby for bringing them safely there and back home”, they wrote in their post.

The Secretary-General of the Singapore Democratic Party (SDP) Dr Chee invited two marginalised groups of people in Singapore to dine at his café; cardboard collectors and poor elderly people.

In a Facebook post on Aug 13, Dr Chee wrote: “Rather than indulge in self-glorifying parades and making grandiloquent rally speeches,  should commemorate our independence by lifting up the poorest among ”.

He noted that for years he had always spoken against a system that did not pay much attention to the weak and vulnerable.

“Well, now I have an opportunity to do something about it, albeit in a small way. I’m inviting them for lunch at our café”, he wrote. The Secretary-General of the Singapore Democratic  (SDP) Dr Chee called for anyone who knew cardboard collectors or poor elderly people to make arrangements to bring them over to the café.

See also  Raise wages of workers in food sector but lower rentals of operators: Chee Soon Juan

Dr Chee also said that while many people have indicated that they would like to donate funds for such an event, “Orange & Teal will sponsor the occasion”.

“We established a place to have the richest and the poorest among us dine in  and comfort – and have that great conversation. Won’t you come over?” Dr Chee wrote.


Last month, a kind Samaritan looking to  ordered  at Dr Chee Soon Juan’s café and asked that it be given to .

In a Facebook post on Jul 27, Dr Chee wrote that the woman, Ning, called Orange & Teal and paid S$150 for meals.

“That was her way of paying-it-forward. She explained that this would help F&B outlets at this time while also providing a nice lunch for our low-wage workers”, Dr Chee wrote.