Letter to the editor
Decades ago, we embraced our diversity and we were together as one. The soccer players were a part of us. Even today their names (even their nick names) ring : Quah Kim Song, Dollah Kassim, captain, Samad Ali Pitchay (Indian-Malay). For their passion and their commitment. They played their hearts out for the game and for the country. We supported, we cheered, we filled the stadium. See the wave, hear the roar. We were one.
Seniors remember the proposed tweak to our I/Cs. Delete Race, replace with Nationality. Singapore. Yes, we have gone this far.
Sadly, today, we are being divided. First, we were told we need to have GRCs. Yesterday, on the importance of minority representation for President. Tomorrow, we tweak the Presidency, because of mixed marriages, or, return to ceremonial role.  It is a rubber stamp Parliament. Sukasuka.
While the young may be ambivalent, the seniors are deeply disappointed, evident by the turnout at the Silent Protest and the responses on social media. Â Seniors, and the 40+s are frustrated by the present state of affairs, disillusioned by our senior ministers and the 3rd generation leaders.
The undoing of One People, One Nation, One Singapore is yours, and yours alone.
Majullah Singapura!
Jarius Lau
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