Singapore—The country’s newest political party, Progress Singapore Party (PSP), went on a walkabout to different parts of the country on Saturday, November 9. And because the party carried out its outreach via train, PSP called it a “Trainabout.”

Dr Tan Cheng Bock, the party’s head and one of its founders, said via his Facebook page that PSP’s rationale for the “Trainabout” is because “most Singaporeans use public transport heavily on a daily basis.”


He wrote, “We had many warm and wonderful encounters with Singaporeans from all walks of life. Thank you once again for your kind responses! It was an eventful afternoon indeed.”

A total of 22 teams from PSP participated in the “Trainabout,” according to a post on PSP’s Facebook page, which also said that part of the aim was “to introduce Progress Singapore Party to the nation,” the post also said that the party had been received warmly by Singaporeans.

PSP uploaded a video of the event, which can be viewed here.

Included in one of Dr Tan’s photos from PSP’s Trainabout was a photo of educator Michelle Lee, a prominent PSP member, at the Public Transport Workers’ Appreciation Day, wherein Singapore’s Transport Minister Khaw Boon Wan launched a S$100 million Rail Manpower Development Package, which is designed to prepare public transport workers for new skills such as data analytics and robotics.

See also  PSP goes on large-scale walkabout again

Singaporeans on the ground were not the only ones who greeted Dr Tan and PSP warmly, as netizens also enthusiastically expressed their support.

One commenter wrote, “The trishaw riders at Bugis were calling out Doc by his name, they were all for PSP. They requested for more flyers to help spread the message. Very encouraging indeed !”

Another netizen mentioned CECA (the India-Singapore Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement) in particular, appealing to Dr Tan to “Bring back jobs for ALL SINGAPOREANS !!!”


Read related: Dr Tan Cheng Bock announces second walkabout for Progress Singapore Party

Dr Tan Cheng Bock announces second walkabout for Progress Singapore Party