SINGAPORE: Netizens had A LOT to say after Senior Minister Tharman Shanmugaratnam announced on Thursday (June 8) his intention to run for the presidency in the upcoming election, which is scheduled to be held by September 13.

Mr Tharman told Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong in a letter about his decision to retire from politics, step down from his various government positions, and resign from the ruling People’s Action Party (PAP).

He called the decision to mount a presidential bid a “difficult” one, adding, “I have consulted my family, and given careful thought to how I can best serve the country in the years ahead.”

Mr Tharman’s resignation takes effect on July 7, adding that this is so that he “can first fulfil my immediate official commitments in Singapore and internationally, and ensure that arrangements are fully in place for constituents of Jurong GRC to be well-served for the rest of the electoral term.”

One Reddit user perhaps said the quiet part out loud by making the following comment: “He got tired of people asking him to become Prime Minister so he’s gonna become President instead.”

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Many netizens reacting to his announcement zeroed in on what might be next for Jurong GRC, where Mr Tharman has been serving as a Member of Parliament representing the Taman Jurong ward since 2001.

“i‘m surprised they value the PE over Jurong GRC. interesting,” one Reddit user wrote.

“I do wonder if they may have gotten wind of a potentially attractive opposing candidate – thereby necessitating them to send a high caliber candidate for the PE,” another speculated.

“The bigger implication being that he will stop being Jurong GRC’s frontman and step down from being one of the most likeable members of PAP in the last two decades and so. Next GE has gotten even more interesting,” a Reddit user chimed in.

“Jurong has been PAPs stronghold for the longest time because of Tharman, curious to see the implications behind this move,” another wrote.

However, a commenter opined, “Jurong is as safe as it gets for PAP. Absolutely no chance of any opposition winning.”

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But another Reddit user disagreed, writing, “Jurong wasn’t really tested at all because Tharman had been there for so long. It will be interesting for sure.”

“News of Tharman leaving would be like sharks being drawn to blood for the other (credible) opposition parties,” another wrote.

One commenter chimed in, “Seems like a great time for WP to swoop in and takeover jurong grc.”

Others speculated on why Mr Tharman decided to run for president.

“I’m thinking maybe the 4G is really spooked and wanted someone friendly as president.”

“I agree, PAP is pulling out the big guns cause they must have gotten scared. They dont want anyone who is not a “yes man” to win. Tharman is a solid candidate and outrunning him would be real tough.”