Facebook user Farhan Suhaili shared a video with Tampines Town Council (TTC) on 15 Dec saying that he caught a rat at Blk 496G Tampines Ave 9 Level 10. He said that he reported the rat problem to TTC but they never took any action, and even suggested that it might be hamster. The town council told him that another resident in the block kept many hamsters and that some are now on the loose.
Farhan said that he bought mouse traps himself and caught it within a day. He said that it is the second time rats have been found at level 10.
Another Facebook user Suzanne Sum Sock Peng suggested that residents who leave their rubbish at the lift landing area may be the reason why rats are found in the higher floors of the apartment block. She shared a picture of residents leaving rubbish at the 11th floor lift landing.
TTC responded to Farhan on Facebook and said that they have engaged their pest control team to check and comb the area again. They further promised to get their property officer to follow up with the resident’s concern directly.