Taiwanese host Dee Hsu may not look it but she is a strict parent when it comes to her daughters. Dee has been in the headlines many times for being overprotective. Dee has three daughters, Elly, 14, Lily, 13 and Alice, eight. Last February the Taiwanese host said that she does not want her daughters to join the entertainment industry as she is concerned that they will not be able to withstand the criticism that is often given to celebrities on a daily basis.

In half a year later, Dee had a change of heart, saying that she will support her eldest child’s dream of becoming an actress when she grows up. The 41-year-old host made headlines again this week when she said that her daughters are not allowed to date until they are much older. Dee’s daughter Lily posted something on social media which caught Dee’s eye.

Dee Hsu with her three daughters (from left) Elly, Alice and Lily on the cover of Vogue. Picture:Instagram

“I’ve been hurt too much [and] I don’t love you any longer (…) I’m an angel, and I’m not fated to be with you,” the 13-year-old wrote. It looked as if the teenager is going through a breakup but it is actually words from a poem. Nevertheless, that did not stop Dee from commenting on the post.  She wrote: “You’re forbidden to date before you turn 18. You can like someone, but if you try something behind my back, I’ll find out. Your mum is an expert on this!”

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Lily and Elly are not that far off from turning 18. Fans were amused by what the host posted and they thought that Dee’s free-spirited personality would mean that she would give her daughters more freedom.

“It’s just puppy love! We all know what that feels like, so please give her a break,” one netizen commented, while a more concerned netizen wrote: “Being strict is fine, but every child reacts differently to being controlled. If you aren’t careful, they’ll end up rebelling against you and do things that the entire family might regret.”