September as Mental Health Awareness Month: Redditor's take on giving support to colleagues coping with mental health issues

SINGAPORE: A recent survey conducted by Cigna Healthcare, an international healthcare company, has revealed alarming trends in the stress levels of the Singaporean population.

The study, which included more than 10,000 respondents across 12 markets, reported that stress levels in Singapore have steadily risen since 2021, with nearly 90% of the local population experiencing stress. This figure is seven percentage points higher than the global average, signalling a growing mental health concern in the city-state.

The survey, conducted between May and June 2023, included 1,000 Singapore respondents, offering an in-depth perspective on the mental well-being of Singaporeans.

The findings show that 71 per cent of the local respondents reported feeling stressed but believed they could cope with it, while 16 per cent expressed high-stress levels without the ability to manage it effectively. The remaining 13 per cent stated that they did not feel stressed at all.

Of particular concern is the significant stress experienced by Singapore’s youth. The survey revealed that young people aged 18 to 24 accounted for the largest proportion of respondents experiencing stress, highlighting the vulnerability of this demographic group.

The cost of living, including housing, groceries, and utilities, was the leading source of stress for respondents, reflecting the challenges of maintaining a decent standard of living in Singapore’s high-cost environment.

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Economic uncertainty, job security, and concerns about the future also weighed heavily on the minds of many Singaporeans, amplifying their stress levels. Others said that personal financial difficulties and debt burdens contributed significantly to their overall stress levels.

The survey revealed a stark contrast in energy levels among the local population, as well. Only 10 per cent of Singaporeans considered themselves energetic, a figure that is half as low as the global average. This suggests that many residents are grappling with a lack of vitality and overall well-being.

Cigna Healthcare’s survey underscores the need for increased attention to mental health issues and the development of comprehensive strategies to address the growing stress levels among Singaporeans. As stress continues to mount, it is crucial for both individuals and policymakers to take steps to reduce these pressures, offering support and resources to maintain a balanced and healthy quality of life.


The post appeared first on The Independent News.


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