Song Hye Kyo’s recent pictorial uploads garnered a lot of interest from netizens lately. Although the actress is turning 40 soon, she still maintains her youth and beauty as if she was still in her 20’s. Song Hye Kyo uploaded several photos on her Instagram on September 4 without any captions. The actress flaunted her graceful and chic charms through different outfits. Song Hye Kyo radiated the innocent and pure vibe in an adorable one-piece dress and another look, she wore a brown suit that showed off her charisma.
Actress Song Yoon Ah complimented Song Hye Kyo’s photos and commented, “As always. As expected.” Other fellow actresses also liked the post. Netizens are in awe that Song Hye Kyo is turning 40 soon. They left comments saying, “Who would think she is almost 40?” and they expressed admiration for Song Hye Kyo. Marking the 75th anniversary of Korea’s liberation from Japanese colonial rule last month, the actress donated 20,000 copies of large signboards and guidebooks in Korean and Japanese with Professor Seo Kyung Deok of Sungshin Women’s University.
Large signboards and guidebooks were donated to the Utoro Village in Japan. In July, Song Hye Kyo contributed 10,000 copies of the guidebook produced in Korean and English to the Korean National Association in LA. Various activities of the independent movement are detailed in the guidebook, including the background and process of the creation of the Korean National Association, the training of independent activists, and the raising of independent funds along with photos.
Song Hye Kyo and professor Sung Kyung Deok have been donating Korean language guide pamphlets consistently. The Korean signboards promoted the anti-fabrication of the history of the independent activists who fought for the independence of Korea. Both Song Hye Kyo and the professor donated to 22 sites around the world over the nine years. Netizens praised the actress for her kindness and complimented her for having a beautiful heart that matched a pretty face.
The actress is reportedly taking a break from acting since her last work Encounter, a drama that features her and actor Park Go Bum. /TISG