Singaporean singer-songwriter Wayne Gerard Sandosham, popularly known as Wayne Sandz has announced the release of the song ‘Untitled’ ahead of Singapore’s iconic bicentennial celebrations.

‘Untitled’, a yet-to-be-named song is an independent tribute from Sandosham as part of the One Voice Project, an ongoing initiative aimed at grooming and developing future talent in the music industry.

“This year is an important milestone since the formation of Singapore and we wanted to compose a song as a tribute and appreciation to the Nation. We’ve always recognized Singapore to be a hotbed of talent. Through the years, Singapore has bred generation after generation of musicians with amazing talent. From the Quests and Crecendos of the 1960s, Matthew & The Mandarins in the 70s; Tony, Terry & Spencer and Tokyo Square in the 80s; to 90s icons Stephanie Sun, Kit Chan, Douglas O, Dick Lee, Tanya Chua, JJ Lin Corinne May and Electricco; to the post-2000s era of singers like Nathan Hartono, Jack & Rai, Taufik Batisah, Sylvia Ratonel, Tabitha Nauser, Deon Toh, The Sam Willows and The Gentle Bones amongst many many others – the list, quite literally, will go on and on.”

“As such, we wanted to create a song to not just celebrate the occasion, but also to express our appreciation being part of the Singapore journey. We hope the song inspires Singaporeans from all walks of life; colour, creed and race; inclinations and passions, to come together for the next century and beyond,” he added.

Singaporeans can help decide on the song’s actual title as well as be part of the official music video which is expected to be launched in August 2019.

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View the song via YouTube of Facebook (@Untitled.OneVoiceProject) and send in suggested song titles that are deemed most suitable in either the comments section or via direct message.

Sandosham and a panel of judges from One Voice Project will shortlist the top few entries and they will be shared on the Facebook page.

The results will be determined by public vote from 18 Jul 2019.

Besides that, Singaporeans are also asked to submit short videos, no more than 30 seconds long, of themselves singing excerpts of the song which will then be compiled into a montage video to be released as the official music video in Aug 2019.

“Most times, Singaporeans do not really get a chance to be part of locally released songs, but we wanted the project to be one of which anyone could get involved. Just like the lyrics in the chorus: “we are one”, we hope that this can be as much an independent endeavor as it is a song for everyone, by everyone. As such, we are opening up both the song’s title as well as the music video to be decided by the public”, explained  Alvin Yeo, Co-Founder of the One Voice Project.

“In this way, everyone can lend their voice and be part of the song and our celebrations”, Yeo added.

“Untitled” can be viewed on Youtube

Singaporeans interested in being part of the official music video have till 17 July 2019 to submit their 30second videos via