SINGAPORE: Retiring by 35 is a far-off dream for many. However, this did not stop an online user from asking Singaporeans to imagine what they would do with their time if they had the choice.

“If you had the choice to retire by 35, how would you spend your time for the rest of your life?” the online user asked Singaporeans in a forum on Friday (March 15).

A handful of online users answered the question in the comments, sharing how they would spend their time if money weren’t an issue.

“Start up my own animal shelter would be the number one on the list…” said one. “Write a children’s book (is) second on my bucket list. Travel the world with my parents because they deserve that. Start up a small business I was always too afraid to start.

Eventually find the one and start a family with him.”

“Take care of my health by paying more attention to food and exercise,” answered a second. “Learn to do new things just for fun, volunteer at animal shelters and other causes, maybe even do some freelancing just to keep occupied.”

Speaking of keeping occupied, some shared that they would still probably work to keep themselves busy. “(I would) still work because I don’t want my mind to rot… but find freelance and remote (work) instead of (a) normal nine to five (job).

No worry about money, just find ways to do whatever cushy job you have dreamed of for fun. Can take break anytime and go for long holidays or learn new skills.”

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Another commenter replied, “I legit have a colleague who won the lottery (split three ways with two other friends) years ago. He had enough money to retire (he was 37 at that time I believe?) He quit his job. Went to travel a little, spent a year at home.

Got bored and decided to go back to his old job. He said being out of work for three years even with travelling/hobbies and all kinda rotted his brain.”

Another commented, “There are a ton of things I’d rather spend my time on that brings me joy if I weren’t already exhausted working at a job I don’t (care) about. I dream about this hypothetical early retirement and the things I could do all the time.

That’s literally what keeps me going because real life is too depressing.”

The comments Singaporeans left in response to such a simple hypothetical question are rather interesting when compared to the reality many people face today.

For instance, back in January, the story of an elderly auntie working as a cleaner inspired many Singaporeans. “Support yourself for life,” she said as a content creator asked her questions about her work.

Read also: “Support yourself for life” — Elderly aunty who works hard as a cleaner inspires Singaporeans