Creative Facebook user Limonium Sua is using memes to help familiarise Singaporeans with Workers’ Party (WP) parliamentarians, as the nation anticipates the next election.

The netizen had created memes of Cabinet members around the time of the last General Election in 2015 and has now turned his attention to the six elected opposition MPs in Parliament.

Sharing his creations on Facebook on Wednesday (11 Dec), Limonium Sua wrote: “At the last GE I made some memes to help Singaporeans familiarise themselves with our cabinet ministers. However I realise Singaporeans actually need more help with lesser-known MPs. Let’s begin by getting to know the 6 opposition MPs in parliament.”

The memes Limonium Sua produced uses a play on each MP’s name to make their name memorable to netizens. Check out his imaginative creations here:

Photo: Limonium Sua FB
Photo: Limonium Sua FB
Photo: Limonium Sua FB
Photo: Limonium Sua FB
Photo: Limonium Sua FB
Photo: Limonium Sua FB

Check out Limonium Sua’s memes of Singapore Cabinet ministers from 2015, which garnered nearly 2,000 shares on social media, here:

See also  WP comes under severe criticism after Pritam Singh appeared to support PAP's singling out of Thum

Photo: Limonium Sua FB
Photo: Limonium Sua FB
Photo: Limonium Sua FB
Photo: Limonium Sua FB
Photo: Limonium Sua FB
Photo: Limonium Sua FB
Photo: Limonium Sua FB
Photo: Limonium Sua FB