An online user on Tuesday (Sept 20) shared a nine-second video clip, which featured an auntie feeding pigeons in a parking lot reportedly beside Blk 117 Pending Road, which has gained over eight thousand views since the time of its posting.
In response to this, however, netizens seemed to be divided into two general camps. On one side were those who praised the auntie for her kindness. “At least (she’s) got empathy rather than kepoh (being a busybody),” said one netizen. Another even said this act going to give her some sort of good karma.
However, on the other side were people who found the woman’s actions concerning–particularly because of the pigeon droppings. “This is not good,” wrote one online user. “Pigeon poo spreads diseases. So it’s causing harm to humans especially children and the elderly while helping the birds to reproduce.”
“(It is) because of such people that place(s) are made unhygienic,” wrote another.
A few people mentioned a S$5000 fine in their comments. One even shared a link to a news article from 2018 about the Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority (AVA) warning Singaporeans to refrain from feeding pigeons following the rise in issues raised over the animals.
From drying clothes being made dirty all over again to newly painted walls being redesigned with fresh pigeon droppings, the issue affects many residents.
In 2020, the amended Wild Animals and Birds Act stipulated that the fine for feeding non-protected wildlife would be between S$5,000 and S$10,000.