SINGAPORE: Deciding how to invest, especially in ETF Investing, can be tricky. One particular investment trend today is in ETFs (exchange-traded funds), but many people still wonder whether lump sum or DCA (dollar-cost averaging) is the right approach.

One Reddit netizen asked whether DCA is the right approach in his ETF investment: ‘If I have a sum of $10,000, do I DCA and invest in an ETF with $2,000 every month, or should I invest $10,000 straight away?’

Reddit post
Photo: Reddit / r/singaporefi

User cicakganteng shared, “Can consider half half. 5k lump sum, then dca 1k every month.”

That_upstairs_9288 said, “Put everything into a money market fund now. Choose 3 etf and DCA monthly. Do some rebalancing if one of the etf goes too high.”

Another said looking at it long term is ‘not going to make a difference’: “In the long run it is not going to make a difference. But if you want to nitpick, time value of money aside, there is also the matter of transaction costs. One thing I see some people do which I felt can be better optimised. If you have 2 counters to DCA into, instead of buying 2 counters monthly, it might be cheaper to dca each of them every alternate month.”

One user emphasized maximizing gains: “Statistically is always better to lump sum to maximize gains since that gives u max exposure asap. But the rational behind DCA is to sooth your irrational regrets in short term declines. It’s also not 1 or 0. U can hybrid lump sum 5k den DCA 1k if it helps.”

The Reddit who posted the question answered: “I am going for the long term (10-20 years+) so I guess I will just do a lump sum and leave it.”

To shed better light on other investors who are having the same dilemma, let’s talk a little more about the lump sum and DCA approach.

ETF Investing: Lump Sum or DCA?

When it comes to investing, decision-making is just challenging. You’ve likely encountered this dilemma: Should you dive in headfirst, investing an entire sum at once, or take a more measured approach through Dollar Cost Averaging (DCA)?


The Lump Sum Advantage

  • Quick Market Exposure: Investing all your capital upfront means you benefit from market growth immediately.
  • Historical Performance: Historical data suggests that stocks and bonds tend to outperform cash investments and bonds over time.
  • Optimizing Upswings: In bullish markets, putting your money to work immediately maximizes your gains.

The DCA Strategy

  • Lowering Risk: DCA can minimize the risk associated with investing a significant sum simultaneously.
  • Riding Market Volatility: By purchasing shares at regular intervals, you can capitalize on market fluctuations, potentially lowering your average purchase price.
  • Easy in tough times: DCA can help ease any regret you might feel if the market takes a downturn soon after your investment.

What Research Tells Us

  • Lump Sum in Rising Markets: Research suggests that in a rising market, it’s often wise to implement your investment strategy promptly.
  • Historical Returns Favour Stocks and Bonds: Historical performance data indicates that stocks and bonds offer better long-term returns than cash investments.

Dealing with Market Dips

  • DCA is your ally if market downturns concern you. It helps cut regret and risk.
  • Stocks and bonds usually bring better long-term returns than cash investments.

Ultimately, the choice between a lump sum or DCA approach on ETF Investing is yours. It all depends on your financial goals and the risk you’re willing to take.

The post Singaporean Asks About ETF Investing: Which Is Better? Lump Sum Or Dollar-Cost Averaging? appeared first on The Independent News.

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