The Singapore Government has promised to spare no effort to defend and protect Singaporeans from the Wuhan virus outbreak – a SARS-like human-to-human transmissible coronavirus which has infected over 500 people and killed 17 people in China.

Yesterday (22 Jan), National Development Minister Lawrence Wong revealed that the Government has formed a multi-ministry task force to deal with the virus outbreak, which has sparked widespread fears worldwide. Sharing that he has been asked to co-chair the taskforce, Mr Wong wrote:

“The Wuhan virus situation has escalated sharply in the last few days and is evolving very rapidly. MOH is at the frontline dealing with this public health issue. But it requires a whole-of-government, even a whole-of-Singapore, response. That’s why the Ministry of Health, Singapore has set up a Multi-Ministry Taskforce and Health Minister Gan Kim Yong has asked me to co-chair the Taskforce with him.”

Asserting that the Government will protect Singaporeans at all costs, the Minister called on Singaporeans to be psychologically prepared for what may come and do their part to prevent an outbreak here:

“The Government will spare no effort to defend and protect Singapore and Singaporeans. We stand ready to marshal all our resources towards this end. But the most important defence is for us to be psychologically prepared. We must stay calm and carry on with our lives. We must be prepared that, despite our best defences, it is a matter of time before we see imported cases here and be ready to mount a swift and effective response.

“All Singaporeans can do their part too by cooperating and being socially responsible. Avoid non-essential travel to the affected areas. If you show symptoms, don’t go out and certainly avoid crowded places. See the doctor immediately so you can be assessed early and get treatment. All of us need to continue to adopt good hygiene habits – wear a mask if you have a cold and must go out; wash our hands regularly etc.

“Ultimately we must all stay alert and vigilant; and continue to work together to deal with this rapidly evolving situation. With that mindset, we can overcome any outbreak and respond to any eventuality.”

Echoing Mr Wong’s message, Prime Minister-designate Heng Swee Keat extolled the importance of being ready to effectively respond to a potential outbreak of the virus in Singapore.

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He wrote on Facebook: “The Wuhan virus outbreak situation is evolving quickly — countries around the world need to work together and take precautionary measures. Although Singapore has not seen a confirmed case, we must be ready to mount an effective response when it happens.”

Declaring that the Government is “ready to marshal all our resources to manage this situation,” Mr Heng urged: “Let us stay vigilant, as we roll out precautionary measures to protect our people. You can also do your part — be socially responsible, take the necessary precautions and avoid non-essential travel to affected areas.”