SINGAPORE: In an Instagram post, ex-Mediacorp artist and theatre actress Sharon Au shared her mother would rather stay home, play mahjong, and watch Netflix rather than watch her daughter’s live theatre show. 

Sharon stated in her post caption: “I got her tickets to watch Pompeii, the live cinema theatre piece I am performing in, she said ‘No thank you I will fall asleep all the best good luck’. She would rather stay home to Netflix Korean drama or play mahjong.” 


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Sharon also expressed how her mother has supported her in everything she does.

“She supports everything I do. She sends me to rehearsals. She brings cut fruits to me at the Drama Centre because she knows I am watching my weight and too nervous to eat when I am performing,” she said.

However, when it comes to theatre shows, her mother had to draw the line. 

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Due to the rejected invitation, she encouraged everyone to watch the play because her mom was not coming. 

Netizens commented on their thoughts in the said post. 

One IG user commented: “Wish I was back in SG for this! ❤️” 

Another IG user remarked: “Mum knows what’s best for her daughter. Wishing her health, she has happiness is from you. Cherish her😍🙏” 

Some netizens deemed her mother cute and said: “😂aunty’s so cute!”, “Wahahahaha 😂😂😂 gotta love aunty for her honesty.” 

More users declared: “Break a leg!!!!”, “Mum’s love is unconditional”, and “Wow, can give me the tix! I will come watch.” 

Pompeii was performed at the Singapore International Festival of Arts.