Singapore – Two schoolgirls livestreamed their vaping skills on Instagram on Monday (May 3).

Both used the same vaping pen and blew smoke rings.

Instagram account SGKaren later re-posted their video, but the feedback from viewers was negative.

Some Instagram users said the girls were from Boon Lay Secondary School and their action tarnished the school’s image.

The law could come down on the girls.

Under section 16(2A) of the Tobacco (Control of Advertisements and Sale) Act (TCASA), it is illegal to possess, purchase and use vaporisers in Singapore. The ban includes e-cigarettes, e-pipes, e-cigars and any toy, device or article that resembles a tobacco product, is capable of being smoked, or may be used to mimic the act of smoking.

The girls may be fined up to S$2,000 if they are found guilty.

This is not the first students have been seen vaping.

Three teenagers, aged 13, 16 and 18,  were fined S$200 to S$500 after using an electronic vaporiser in an MRT train last year.

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Two of them, aged 13 and 16, had to complete a community rehabilitative programme and stay crime-free for 12 months.

An online poll of 1,500 Singapore residents found that 81 per cent of the current vapers had started using the product in the last 12 months.

Some are secondary students. One shared that he sneaked the vaping pen to school by tucking it under jacket sleeve and secretly vaped in the school toilet.