In a TikTok now gone viral, a student from Nanyang Technological University (NTU) claimed that her professor held a class on Deepavali (Oct 24), a gazetted public holiday in Singapore.

Ms Kalyani Hema Nair, who goes by @lillkals on TikTok, posted screenshots of an online lecture she had on Monday morning.

“When your prof keeps lessons on Deepavali because ‘there’s no other common time to meet to reschedule,” she wrote, adding, “aka there are only 3 Indians in the mod (module) and it feels unnecessary to reschedule for just us 3.”

Her Tiktok has now been viewed over 80,000 times and has received almost 400 comments.

She wondered, however, “Idk am i being too sensitive?” in the caption to her video.

TISG has reached out to NTU for comment.

But commenters appeared to be as equally outraged as the TikToker. 

Several urged her to file a complaint, urging her to not “let them get away with this.”

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“Ask your prof if he/she would do the same if the PH in qn was CNY,” another wrote.

Others pointed out that “The holidays are announced way in advance and he had all the time to plan ahead.”    

And when one netizen pointed out that the professor had offered to schedule another class for those who can’t attend, another commenter quickly chimed in to say that Deepavali is still a public holiday. 

Others shared similar stories.


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