Pierre Png Spends New Year Alone as Wife Andrea De Cruz Tests Positive for Covid-19; Netizens Send Well-Wishes

SINGAPORE — Pierre Png, 49, a Singaporean actor, welcomed the new year with an unfortunate occurrence – he celebrated the countdown alone, without his wife, Andrea De Cruz.

In an Instagram story, the actor shared his wife’s Covid-19 test result, revealing two red lines which indicated that she had acquired the sickness. “It is what it is,” Pierre mentioned in his story, accepting the reality that he won’t be able to greet 2023 with the love of his life. 

Pierre Png is married to Andrea De Cruz, 48, a Singaporean actress and a psychologist. To ease the loneliness brought by the news, Pierre Png posted an encouraging post for Andrea on his Instagram account. 

There’s much in store for us my sweets,” he remarked in his post caption. “You may be holed up alone fighting covid but just know that 2023 will bring better days I promise!” he added.

Pierre ended his post by greeting everyone a happy New Year. 


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Andrea commented on Pierre’s IG post – thanking everyone for their well-wishes. 

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Another Singaporean actor, Desmond Tan, 49, left a message in the comments stating: “Happy new year loves! Get well soon @andrea.decruz”. 

Netizens expressed their new year’s hopes for the couple in the comment section, too. 

In similar news, Andrea got a worse reaction with her second Covid-19 vaccine back in 2022. Her liver rejected the medication, which caused a fever – more severe than the usual side effect. The actress was given steroids and a higher dosage of medicines to heal. 

It turned out that Andrea suffered from liver failure back in 2002, and Pierre Png donated a part of his own liver to save her life. Since then, she has been getting immunosuppressants to help her body accept her new liver.