Singapore — Singapore People’s Party (SPP) candidate Williamson Lee pointed out on June 30 that People’s Action Party (PAP) posters were spotted without the official stamp of the Returning Officer.

Under regulations set out by the Elections Department (ELD), all posters and banners displayed must bear the stamp of the Returning Officer. This is to ensure that parties and candidates keep within the limit of the number of posters and banners they can put up within a constituency.

Under the “Posters and Banners” section of ELD regulations, it is stated:

“No person shall display or cause to be displayed in any public place election posters and banners without authorisation by the Returning Officer.”


“All posters and banners displayed must bear the official stamp issued by the Returning Officer.”

However, according to the Facebook post uploaded by Mr Lee, PAP posters in the Bishan-Toa Payoh GRC were put up without the stamp. Mr Lee uploaded photos of the posters in the post and said that he has contacted ELD regarding the issue.

The Returning Officer stamp for GE2020 is brown, and posters generally feature the stamp on the bottom.

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In the same post, Mr Lee also added that “the odds have always been stacked against us”, and that it was “nothing new”.

Mr Lee called for members of the public to “exercise your right to inform ELD” should they see any posters flouting the regulations.

The ELD has other regulations with regards to banners and posters put up during the official campaigning period. Some of the others include:

They must not obstruct pedestrian movements or traffic view if they are placed near junctions,

They must be at least 2.2 metres from the ground when on lamp posts, and 0.6 metres from the kerb of the road.

They must not obstruct any other existing banners, traffic signs, cameras, etc.

Additionally, the posters and banners are to be removed “within the period stated in the permit after Polling Day”.

The SPP is fielding five candidates in total, contesting in the Bishan-Toa Payoh GRC and the Potong Pasir SMC.