The Attorney-General’s Chambers has declined to make any further comment regarding the recent Lee family tussle, as seen in media and social media of late.

In a statement from the AGC’s office dated January 8, 2019, in response to questions from the media, the AGC made a reminder to all parties to “be mindful not to prejudice the proper hearing of the matter.”


The matter has been referred to the Law Society in accordance with the law, and consistent with how the Attorney-General’s Chambers (“AGC”) has handled other cases of alleged professional misconduct by lawyers.

2 There will be a full hearing before the Disciplinary Tribunal appointed by the Chief Justice. Ms. Lee Suet Fern can put forward her case before the Tribunal, in accordance with the Legal Profession Act.

3 AGC therefore does not propose to comment any further on the merits of the matter. We would also like to remind all parties to be mindful not to prejudice the proper hearing of the matter.

The latest volley in the renewed family feud was thrown on the evening of January 7, when Lee Hsien Yang, the younger brother of Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, wrote on Facebook that his wife, Lee Suet Fern, had never been the lawyer of the late Lee Kuan Yew.

See also  The Lee saga: Long hard truth

In his post, LHY asked, “What public interest is being served by AGC here? Why waste public resources on a private matter, and after all this time? Why is AGC rushing this case in 2019 when the facts were known by all parties for years? AGC’s assertion that my wife refused to respond is untrue. AGC should release the full correspondence.”

According to him, in the past, nobody had “complained from the outset on the process and circumstances of our father’s signing his final will.”

The AGC has said that the drafting of Lee Kuan Yew’s seventh will may have been subject to professional misconduct involving Lee Suet Fern, the wife of LHY. The AGC said that Lee seemed to have prepared the final will and arranged for its execution by LKY, even though her husband was a beneficiary of the said document. The AGC has since referred Mrs. Lee’s case to the Law Society.

Read related: AGC defends position on Lee Kuan Yew’s last will controversy