After Progress Singapore Party (PSP) founder Dr Tan Cheng Bock shared a video of simple breathing exercises Singaporeans could try out to strengthen their lungs, netizens flocked to the comments section of the posted video to thank Dr Tan for his helpful gesture amid the circuit breaker implementation.
Commencing on Tuesday (April 7), the circuit breaker measure has, for the most part, confined Singaporeans to their homes as the Government implemented a temporary closure of schools and non-essential businesses in an effort to combat Covid-19. As a majority of Singaporeans find themselves at home, the easy-to-follow video posted by the PSP, which featured Dr Tan along with a few other companions was quite a welcome sight. Beginning the video with an informative statement on how the Covid-19 virus is known to attack the lungs and cause breathing difficulties as well as pneumonia in more severe cases, Dr Tan showed viewers a few graceful and simple movement sequences to do whilst maintaining a steady breath.
The video came with a disclaimer which stated that the video was filmed and produced before April 7, when the circuit breaker measure was implemented. “Circuit Breaker: Day 5,” the post read. “Party Secretary-General, Dr Tan Cheng Bock, leads fellow party members in the breathing exercises to show Singaporeans how to strengthen the lungs with simple breathing exercises step-by-step. It’s simple and can be practiced at home.”
The calming, three-and-a-half-minute video earned public acclaim as netizens flocked to the comments section of the post in order to thank Dr Tan and the PSP for sharing something they could follow and do at home. “Good physical exercise to improve lung respiration syst(e)m,” said one netizen, while another expressed gratitude saying, “Thanks for sharing the simple and helpful exercise. Great job and leadership.” Others expressed their delight and thankfulness over such a gesture by the PSP in shorter comments.