The Facebook post of one mum, whose toddler was given a balloon by an agent from insurance company AIA only for it to be taken away after the mum was deemed by the agent not to be a potential client, has gone viral. She was at Century Square with her 2-year-old daughter when a woman came over with a penguin ballon. When the woman asked the little girl if she wanted one, she said yes.

“Of course this would delight a 2 year old,” Ms Nazreen wrote, adding she was aware that the woman had come from an AIA booth. “While standing she asked me a few questions and I apparently do not fit the profile for a potential customer so she said sorry I need to take back the balloon and she took it from my daughter’s hand. Imagine my horror??!!”

Mum Nazreen Ogisi wrote in a June 13 post that she was beyond appalled by the incident.

After this, another AIA agent went up to them, this time with an elephant balloon. The new agent was unaware of the incident with her colleague.

This agent also asked the little girl if she wanted the balloon.

“I immediately told her do not tempt her only to take it back cause I dont fit her profile. She said let me ask my manager and went to ask someone only to come back to say she’s unable to give the balloon,” wrote Ms Nazreen.

And while she said she can afford to buy balloons for her daughter, she called the strategy employed by the agents “a low and cheap move to entice children and lure their parents in for a marketing gimmick only to take back the balloons if the parents don’t fit your dumb profile.”

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“Do you think it is right for a child who doesn’t understand why something was offered to her and given to her only to have it snatched away? ABSOLUTELY DIGUSTING!,” she wrote, adding, “If your customer service is so poor especially with regards to my child, do you think I will trust you to take care of my money to insure my life or family?? Think again!”

Ms Nazreen ended her post by saying that the encounter “left a distasteful aftermath” in her mind and added that she “will NEVER recommend or take up a policy with you.”

Mothership reached out to AIA Singapore concerning the incident. A representative of the company said, “Marketing activities from our representatives are conducted independently by them. We are concerned by the issues raised and are connecting with individuals affected on this.”

Netizens tended to agree with the mum about AIA’s marketing strategies.

One pointed out that the practice of taking back balloons may ultimately backfire against the company.

Others said that not all AIA agents behave this way.

UPDATE: June 17, 2022

AIA Singapore reached out to TISG with the following:

We are sorry for the unpleasant experience. We have counselled the representatives involved in this incident.

We have reiterated our roadshow guidelines to all our representatives and are working closely with them to ensure they adhere to the highest standards of professionalism.

The team has also connected with individuals involved to address their concerns.

Members of the public may contact AIA directly via should they have any queries or would like to share their feedback


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