Prominent social media influencer Nuseir Yassin – also called Nas Daily after his highly popular daily 1-minute video series – is returning to Singapore after making waves during his last visit to Singapore just a few weeks ago.

Nas received backlash during his trip here last month when some Singaporeans felt that the upbeat videos he made about the nation do not capture the reality of living here. Nas sparked a massive uproar when he lashed out at Singaporeans, calling them “crybabies,” after he was criticised for calling Singapore an “almost perfect country” in one such video.

Interestingly, Nas’ videos during his last trip here led some to believe that he is sponsored by the Government to come to the country and make videos praising the nation. An impassioned Nas responded to the speculation then and rebutted that his Singapore videos “are 100% not sponsored by anyone”.

Revealing that he “came here by myself, spent my own money, to make my own videos about your country”, Nas added that it is “disheartening to see people discredit my work because of unfounded allegations”. He firmly emphasised then that his videos were not made for “any government, company or tourism board”.

Nas now appears to be partnering with the Government for his next trip here.

Today, the Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA) – a statutory board under the Singapore Government’s Ministry of Communications and Information – announced that Nas is returning to Singapore.

IMDA appears to be hosting a competition for participants to shoot and send 1-minute videos to the Government agency. Winners will get an “exclusive chance to meet and work with” Nas, according to IMDA.

In a video that IMDA shared, Nas reveals that he will be coming to attend the Singapore Media Festival. Nas has been invited to speak at the festival and “mentor some videomakers in Singapore”.

According to IMDA’s website, the Singapore Media Festival “is set to become one of Asia’s leading international media events, where the industry meets to discover the latest trends, talents and content in Asia for Film, TV and digital media.

“Taking place from 28 November to 9 December 2018, the Singapore Media Festival brings together established media events such as the Singapore International Film Festival (SGIFF), Asia TV Forum & Market (ATF) and ScreenSingapore and SMF Ignite.”