SINGAPORE: In a TikTok video, influencer Naomi Neo shared her life as a content creator and a mom of 2 children. She compiled snippets of what she normally does in a day and added captions to explain everything she encounters. 

She wrote that she usually has a cup of coffee while getting some of her work done, then drops her children at school, and then has her me time which means going to the gym and running errands. Afterwards, she spends time with her kid after school hours and then gets ready for a night out event. Finally, she ends her day by spending time with her husband.


well, one of the best days spent with @SkinCeuticals ✨ celebrating #WCDSingapore2023 #SkinCeuticalsPartner

♬ girls like me don’t cry (Sped Up) – thuy

Throughout the video, one can see how glamorous and rich her life is. 

Netizens expressed their opinions in the comments section of the TikTok video. 

One TikTok user stated: “Oh to be rich and and gorgeous and a mom too.” 

Another TikTok user commented: “Show off la”

A similar comment said: “Keep showing off wow.”

One more user remarked: “It’s giving celebrity Kdrama. I’m here for it.”

Many people still wonder what she does for a living, to have such a nice house and luxurious cars.

“What do you work for,” a TikTok user asked.

“Where do you guys live?” another user curiously commented.

“What does her husband work for?” a commenter also mentioned.

More users declared: “always wanna flash show off her car her house”, “No house work, no cooking, no child care. Nice mom life”, “you are what i tell my mum what i wanna be”, “u work so hard u deserve all u have !!!”, and “Dream life.” 

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