The Duchess of Sussex, Meghan Markle is said to follow Kamala Harris’s footsteps in her next appearance. Meghan will be appearing at a virtual gender and politics summit after Senator Kamala Harris did a milestone interview on Friday. The 38-year-old duchess is set to conclude the 19th Represents Gender and Politics on Friday. This is happening after Senator Kamala Harris’ milestone interview – her first since she was made the 2020 Democratic Vice Presidential Candidate earlier this week by Joe Biden.
The 19th Represents Gender and Politics is a five-day summit that aims to “empower all women and gender diverse people with the information, community and tools they need to be equal participants in our democracy” and includes guest speakers Hillary Clinton and Melinda Gates among others. Kamala Harris’s being part of the line-up is particularly more significant as it was her first appearance since becoming Joe Biden’s vice-presidential pick.
The senator spoke about voter access during the interview as well as how the outbreak has exacerbated inequalities and how a Biden-Harris campaign will prioritise marginalised communities in the US. At the start of the week, Meghan was among the 100 influential women to share why she planned to vote in November’s US election with Marie Claire.
Meghan said: “I know what it’s like to have a voice, and also what it’s like to feel voiceless.
“I also know that so many men and women have put their lives on the line for us to be heard.
“And that opportunity, that fundamental right, is in our ability to exercise our right to vote and to make all of our voices heard.”
“One of my favourite quotes, and one that my husband and I have referred to often, is from Kate Sheppard, a leader in the suffragist movement in New Zealand, who said, ‘Do not think your single vote does not matter much.”
“The rain that refreshes the parched ground is made up of single drops.’ That is why I vote.”
The duchess will appear to close the summit on Friday by interviewing it’s co-founder and CEO Emily Ramshaw. When working as a royal, Meghan was expected to stay politically neutral. After stepping down from royal duties, Meghan has been able to align herself more strongly with politicised causes. Royal experts have even suggested that Meghan could be angling a career in politics. /TISG