An infographic from Maybank comparing the costs of owning a car and taking taxis went viral this week, but maybe for the wrong reasons.

First of all, many netizens questioned the cab rates cited in the chart, calling them unreasonably low.

Secondly, many pointed out that taking busses and trains is an even cheaper alternative.

The Maybank post from Sept 19 (Monday) asked, “Would you rather own a car or take a cab?”

The infographic, which has gone on to be widely shared, showed that within a 10-year period, owning a car ends up costing $209,620 while taking taxis twice a day on weekdays plus two rides on weekends in the same period amounts to $119,620 — data from

“It definitely is cheaper to take a cab than own a car, but can you put a price on convenience, efficiency, and comfort of having your own vehicle?” Maybank asked in conclusion.

The infographic drew a lot of comments from netizens who found the cab rides cited in the chart to be unrealistic.

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One commenter made the case for public transport.

Over on Reddit, where the infographic was posted on the r/SingaporeRaw community, netizens pointed out that taking public transportation is the cheapest option of all.


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