SINGAPORE: A man who felt that his mother severely neglected him took to social media ranting about how she treated his younger sister much better. In an anonymous post to popular confessions page SGWhispers, the man said that when he was a child, his two grandmothers raised him.

The man wrote that when he went overseas after serving National Service, his mother threw all of his things away, including his bed “so that my sister can have her own room (yes we shared a room even when i was in NS).. i was upset.. i have no bed when i go home to visit.. had to sleep in the living room on my sofa, which she complained it stinks from my BO”.

The man added that all of his “hobbies and stuff.. all thrown out.. as though to wipe the memory of me off the house… when I needed funds to continue the last stretch of my graduate education… I was blackmailed and threatened by my own mum… My dad even offered his cpf money to pay off my tuition and i worked while i was studying”.

Despite his mother’s favouritism towards his sister, he wrote that he was the only one who was there for the family. When his father was hospitalised in 2021 with a bile stone and in 2023 with a stroke, the man wrote that he showed up. “it was my first day at work when my dad had bile stones! I risked losing a job on my first day! when the water hose exploded in the toilet while my dad is A&E diagnosed with mini stroke this year (2023), my mum was with him in the hospital.. I was the only one there with my gf to fix the water hose” the man wrote.

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He continued: “Whenever i bought new stuff for myself.. it’s either thrown away now or in the storeroom.. my formal shoes that i wore to conferences now harder than steel… My army boots, i have to buy a new pair almost every reservist, which every SG boy will know it’s expensive (mold grow on them despite how i try to savage (sic) them, and she refused to let me air it outside, and demanded that i keep in the storeroom).. My Harry Potter series, rare limited edition book copies (i remembered vividly having a limited edition Chinese written book by Singapore Press that describes every single temple in Singapore) and Stephen chow movies all thrown away.. all these are all collectibles (sic) editions” the man added. In his post, he said that he may have had his flaws, but he tried to be as filial a son as possible.