SINGAPORE: Netizens wanted to know if a woman working here on a Work Permit can give birth here as well.

In a post to a support group for domestic helpers and employers alike, one woman wanted to know if her friend, who is married and holds a Work Permit as a domestic helper, was allowed to give birth in Singapore. She wrote that her friend working as a maid married a Singapore citizen with the approval of the Manpower Ministry (MOM) and the consent of her current employers.

However, the maid was now 4 months’ pregnant, and seemed to be so without her employers’ knowledge. The woman asked in her post: “Do you think She Can Give birth in Singapore with Work Permit(MDW)?? Her employer will Notify MOM soon!!!”

According to the MOM website, “If you are a current or former Work Permit holder who wishes to marry a Singapore citizen or PR, you must apply for approval from MOM.

However, you don’t need to apply for approval if:

  • You are now holding an EP or S Pass.
  • You once held an EP or S Pass as the last work pass you held in Singapore.
  • You are now a Singapore citizen or PR.
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If you don’t seek approval when required to do so:

  • Your privilege to work in Singapore could be withdrawn.
  • You may be prevented from entering Singapore for a period of time.”

The MOM website also states that Work Permit holders must comply with the following rules:

  • Not marry a Singapore citizen or permanent resident in or outside Singapore without MOM’s approval. This applies even after their Work Permits have expired, been cancelled or revoked.
  • Not get pregnant or deliver a child in Singapore during the validity of their Work Permit unless they are already married to a Singapore citizen or permanent resident with MOM’s approval. This applies even after their Work Permits have expired, been cancelled or revoked.

Read related: Last year, employers who realised that their maid was sneaking out every night took to social media asking others for help on what they should do.

In an anonymous post to popular Facebook group FDW in Singapore (working conditions forum), an employer wrote that they found out their helper “has been going out every night, about from 12 am to 2 am and will come back at about 4 am to 5 am. She has a boyfriend and we suspect she always overnight at a hotel with her boyfriend”.

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The employers also added that the helper’s boyfriend was a local so money was not an issue when it came to booking a hotel every night. The maid’s employer added that the family liked her very much and trusted her “with all our heart”. The employer also felt that she felt very upset to see her maid sneaking out.

The employer added that she had not spoken to her maid yet because “we wanted to giver her a chance to stop on her own. We left subtle hints to try to get her to realise that we already know, but it seems she really thinks we are stupid – she is still doing it”.

“I am determined to send her home”, the employer wrote.

Read the full story here: