SINGAPORE: A frustrated employer of a foreign domestic helper took to social media complaining because her maid not only would scold her vulgarities on TikTok videos, but the helper would also “wear makeup at home, wear s*xy underwear, tiktok around the house and then she told us she cannot finish her duties because she has too many things to do”.
In her anonymous post, the woman also wrote that her neighbour’s maid also said that her helper “has a Facebook with a lot of guys chatting. Her private life yes but she is also married with kids back in phillipines”.
The employer wrote that she had spoken to her maid over five times asking her not to film TikToks in the house, or even in her room as they were a private family. “It is ok for her to have a TikTok account and dance outside or with her friends. I don’t think I should control her use of TikTok outside. It’s none of my business. Just don’t do it in my house because we have pictures of the kids (we also don’t like guests)”, the woman wrote.
“While showing my colleague something on TikTok I saw an account that looked like my helper’s account. I clicked on it – and it was my helper’s account. She has posted quite a few TikTok videos of us in the house. Some with our pictures on them”, the woman said.
Asking others in the group for advice on whether she should get a new maid, the woman wrote: “I have spoken to her many times (5 times already) but she still is making the same mistakes. Until I have cut down her duties so that she only does cleaning of the house, cooking dinner for the children and laundry. And also preparing breakfast and sometimes bathing the children. She does not fetch the children from student care as we do that”.
In the comments section, she explained that her maid’s duties were as follows: “I also wanted to find out If the duty she has is a lot as compared to the helpers here:

Last year, employers who realised that their maid was sneaking out every night took to social media to ask others for help on what they should do. In an anonymous post to popular Facebook group FDW in Singapore (working conditions forum), an employer wrote that they found out their helper “has been going out every night, about from 12 am to 2 am and will come back at about 4 am to 5 am. She has a boyfriend and we suspect she always overnight at a hotel with her boyfriend”.
The employers also added that the helper’s boyfriend was a local so money was not an issue when it came to booking a hotel every night. The maid’s employer added that the family liked her very much and trusted her “with all our heart”. The employer also felt that she felt very upset to see her maid sneaking out.