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Dear Editor,

I refer to the article: Man says if he were the PM of S’pore, he would donate 90% of his salary, cut Ministers’ pay in half and reduce GST to 5%

Whoever the next PM will be, he has his work cut out for him. No PM has ever had an easy job, but today’s leaders will find it much more challenging because of an educated and enlightened population. And let’s not forget technology, where everyone knows about something that happened within a few hours.

His job is not made any easier by the obscenely high salaries of cabinet ministers. They have tried to explain and justify it for donkey’s years, but they never managed to convince the public. It never went away. And in my opinion, they stupidly shot themselves in the foot with their high salaries. It’s difficult to trust them and believe they really want to serve the public with such wages!

If he is smart, and I believe he is, his first act would be to reduce all ministers’ salaries by half. This is to shut the mouths of people like me who think they are spouting sanctimonious platitudes.

But if they cut their pay by half (which would still be high globally) then I would have a hard time criticising them on any strong basis. His job to gain trust and convince the voters also becomes a bit easier. But, hey, what do I know. I’m just a mediocre citizen, earning very little (to quote GCT).

Lawrence Seow

The views expressed here are those of the author/contributor and do not necessarily represent the views of The Independent Singapore.

Man says if he were the PM of S’pore, he would donate 90% of his salary, cut Ministers’ pay in half and reduce GST to 5%