A veteran architect and assistant professor at the National University of Singapore shared his letter that was given by the late Lee Kuan Yew.

On January 29, Tay Kheng Soon revealed that he was written a 4-page letter by the first prime minister of Singapore, Lee Kuan Yew. This was in response to Mr. Soon’s justification about why the jury system should not be eradicated in Singapore. He was going through his files when he came across Lee Kuan Yew’s letter which was dated July 4, 1969.

The last paragraph of the letter was posted by the architect on his Facebook account. It said:

“Finally, whether it is bad judges, bad law, fixed trials or generally bad government, nowhere has man devised a constitution which protects society from vicious and evil rulers. The answer against a bad elected government is to vote it out of office. The only answer against a bad government that refuses or cannot be voted out of office is armed revolution. These are simple fundamentals which all citizens, including Ministers, would do well never to lose sight of.”

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Yours sincerely,

Lee Kuan Yew


While it is still unknown why Mr. Soon uploaded the letter, whether he coincidentally saw it in his collection or was purposefully looking for it given the recent lapses and incidents of the government, people are asking for the complete copy of the letter. To which Mr. Soon replied:

Photo: Facebook screengrab

Mr. Soon is the architect behind the KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital, Golden Mile Complex and People’s Park Complex, among others. A prominent figure known to be a critic of the government, Mr. Soon has been engaged in civil society for decades now, hence the letter from LKY.

Many Singaporeans who look up to Lee Kuan Yew showed their appreciation towards this revelation.

Photo: Facebook screengrab
Photo: Facebook screengrab

Daniel Colombo had something else to say in relation to citizens being unsatisfied with the performance of government and that an armed revolution is needed to change a bad government.

Photo: Facebook screengrab