Singapore — Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong shared on Facebook that both parts of Singapore’s 2020 national Census findings have been published this week.

In Singapore, the census is conducted once a decade; this one marks the sixth since Singapore achieved independence.

Mr Lee says that the infographics included in the census illustrate Singapore’s progress as of recent. In the last decade, Singapore experienced the slowest growth in its population. An increasing number of Singaporeans are staying single while those who are married are having fewer children.

Ethnic distribution has remained stable. However, Singapore is also experiencing an ageing population and more seniors are living by themselves now.

Throughout the years, Singapore has become better educated and English is spoken more often at home. In addition, the proportion of non-religious people has been growing. The median household income has increased while homeownership continues to be high.

Mr Lee urges Singaporeans to be aware of the trends in our society so that their policies and mindsets will be relevant to the changing times, especially while the pandemic still looms over the world.

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At the end of his post, Mr Lee expressed his gratitude to everyone who was involved in the production of the census.

In the comments section, netizens commented that they hoped the census findings would be useful in helping Singapore to progress and develop.

Photo: Facebook Screengrab

Censuses of populations are conducted regularly globally. They determine the number of inhabitants in a country and also illustrate the statistical profile of the population and households while providing data for demographic, economic, and social statistics.

The Singapore Census of Population 2020 was released in June 2021. Statistical Release 1 examines the demographic characteristics, education, language and religion of Singapore’s population. Meanwhile, Statistical Release 2 looks into households, geographic distribution, transport and difficulty in basic activities in Singapore.

Singapore’s Education Minister Chan Chun Sing also mentioned the Census 2020 findings in his Facebook post and lauded Singapore’s improved education profile. /TISG