SINGAPORE: The frustration of one Reddit user was obvious when he posted a photo of a fancy sports car parked in his estate that took up two spaces so that “o one can park beside” the owner.

On the one hand, it’s a really nice Lamborghini. But on the other, in space-scarce Singapore, it’s really bad behaviour to take up more room than you should.

u/everythingstake posted a picture of the car on Reddit Singapore over the weekend writing, “Mildly infuriating: someone in my estate parks like this everyday so no one can park beside them,” and getting nearly 300 comments in response.

One popular comment was particularly diabolical, suggesting a way to teach the car owner a lesson. “On a side note, did u know you can put food on something and pigeons will come and eat it? They may or may not also call more birds, and may or may not sh*t on the object in question.”

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“Cat food on the roof of the car, would also be an option. Then they would need to get on top of it somehow,” wrote another.


“If you put a citrus fruit on paint, I am told it would erode the paint job. Never ever splash orange juice accidentally on an expensive paint job especially on a hot sunny day. Never ever. Don’t,” one chimed in.


Others had more practical (and doable) suggestions. “Submit to lta everyday. He is rich. Can afford the fine everytime. Government need money from summons.”

“Can use OneService app to report I think,” wrote another.

A Reddit user noted, “Looks like hdb parking so falls under their purview.”

Others were more assertive in their suggestions.

Photo: Reddit screengrab

But when one commenter wrote, ”That paint color is the real crime here,” many others agreed.


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