Those who have been watching the Keeping Up With The Kardashians reality television series will be aware of each family member’s character.

Some fans feel that momager Kris Jenner is a narcissist. The mother figure supports her children to achieve success and fans think that she makes it all about her.

On the Reddit discussion website, there is the topic, “The exact moment Kris became a narcissist in my eyes”. On that thread, a fan revealed that he had watched the show since the start and had found out a trait about Kris.

The fan, who had earlier thought as extreme claims that Kris was narcissist, later found the momager to be selfish, dramatic and emotionally manipulative sometimes. He said that he had changed his mind about her and could not believe that it took him so long to come to that realisation.

The Reddit user then talked about the moment from Season 12 Episode 17 where Kim Kardashian lent a hand to style Caitlyn Jenner for the ESPY Awards, which are given out for individual and team athletic achievement and other sports-related performance.

Kris contacted Kim and she was crying and screaming. She said she felt betrayed and could not believe why Kim helped Caitlyn. Kris said she felt abandoned. Kim replied that she thought that they (Kris and Caitlyn) were on good terms.

The Reddit user felt that the reaction of Kris was ridiculous and that Kim did not know what went wrong with them. He also felt that Caitlyn did not do anything against Kris to deserve that kind of outburst.

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Kim Kardashian has to put up with Kris Jenner’s antics. Picture:Instagram

On the Reddit thread, others added about the narcissistic behaviour of Kris. A fan said that he noticed it when Khloe wanted to relocate to New York and Kris said to her: “Do you really hate me that much that you would move across the country just to get away from me?!”

Another fan noted that Kris had shown other times when she was a narcissist. Before meeting her husband Robert Kardashian, she had narcissistic tendencies.

Another Reddit user shared her own experience having a manipulative and narcissistic mother. She said that the love that Kris gives her children is a direct reflection of (1) how good they make her look as a mother, (2) how beautiful they are, and (3) how much they can stuff into her pockets. The fan added that it is sad watching the show seeing how the daughters accept her guilt-tripping.

When Kim was robbed in Paris, Kris showed this behaviour, too. Kris was freaking out over everybody’s safety and her boyfriend Corey Gamble told her to relax and then she yelled at him on the phone saying that she cannot relax after what (they) went through in Paris. The Redditor noted that you do not tell someone who is having a panic attack to calm down. He added that she was definitely not having a panic attack but a b***h fit. She was making a fuss about how traumatised she was because of what she went through in Paris when it was Kim and not her that was robbed. /TISG