Singapore A seemingly frustrated KF Seetoh took to social media, calling out the mainstream media for their incomplete and unempathetic reporting of the Covid-19 situation in hawker centres, wet markets and coffee shops.

In a Facebook post on Monday (Jul 26), Mr Seetoh the advocate for all things hawker, wrote that “In this current cruel 2nd HA coupled with unclear’s a recipe for disaster”.

He added that while the media reported the positive Covid-19 cases in the various hawker centres, they “fail to mention they (the hawker centres) are still open, despite”.

“The mainstream media accurately cites 3 cases here, 8 cases there and even 25 cases at Haig Road hawker center. Some even yanked a microphone to hawkers and sharing their feelings on how lucky they are to go for swabs and jabs while they close their stalls… public the impression the the (sic) 30 or so hawker centres are closed till ..don’t know when”, he wrote.

He added that hawkers in Bukit Timah hawker centre were interviewed last week, and it was reported that the centre had to be closed while the hawkers went for Covid-19 tests, “giving the impression the place it closed.. Well, it was not, i had nice cuppa juice and cakes there the next day and i am still fine”.

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In reporting, Mr Seetoh urged the mainstream media to “please be clear on the exact situation..Do they remain open or it’s just a number you regurgitated, .and do you mean wet markets or hawker centres?”

“Fact is., some are (temporarily) but…THE OVERWHELMING MAJORITY OF HAWKER CENTRES, EVEN THE WET MARKETS, ARE NOT CLOSED. Your words and stories did not emphasize this key fact that can confuse and be misinterpreted. I ask that you do not entertain with such stories..just inform responsibility. You have no idea how many are affected by your lack of sensitivity here”, he emphasised.

Pushing for reporters of mainstream media to support the recognition of Singapore’s hawker culture on the 2020 UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, and preserve it.

“Don’t just win awards for design, win it for responsible Fourth Estate journalism please”, he called. /TISG