
Singapore — With at least 100,000 unvaccinated Singapore residents affected by the alleged discriminatory policies, a Judicial Review (JR) challenge was initiated, its crowdfunding ongoing to cover legal fees.

Socio-political blog TR Emeritus (TRE) has been collecting data and collaborating with litigants who are all unvaccinated against Covid-19 and “feel that they have been gravely discriminated against and inconvenienced, even to the extent of possibly losing their livelihood.”

The alleged discriminatory policies is a “blatant violation of their legal rights guaranteed under the Constitution of the Republic of Singapore,” the blog noted.

Information on the (JR) action was first published on the site on Oct 31, with 10 potential litigants.

The page noted, “It is important to make a point that as a Nation, there are people who disagree with such persecution of the minority group of our fellow citizens and let it be recorded in history that no matter how small our numbers are, we uphold the principles of Basic Human Rights to human life.

To corner and push a group of people who refused to take the vaccine, which technically could not pass the stringent criteria of approval for mass inoculation, to the extent of persecution and losing their jobs, is immoral, unethical and totally unacceptable for any decent human beings with dignity.”

On Nov 6 (Saturday), TRE announced at least 15 potential litigants ready to proceed with the intended JR challenge.

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Since the number of litigants is expected to be more than 15, TRE highlighted that it would be crowdfunding the initial legal fees of S$35,000 out of an estimated total fee of S$50,000 to S$80,000.

“According to the latest official stats, we understand that at least 100,000 unvaccinated individuals are affected by the policies slapped on them, from being turned away from a decent meal at a hawker centre to the possibility of losing their jobs,” said TRE.

The page is accepting two modes of donations, which could be viewed here.

Beginning Oct 13, unvaccinated individuals are not allowed into shopping malls, large standalone stores and attractions. Unvaccinated individuals are also excluded from dining in all food & beverage establishments.

Such measures were implemented amid spikes in Covid-19 community cases and scheduled to last until Nov 21. /TISG

Read related: Thousands getting first Covid -19 jabs, boosters, after new rules for the unvaccinated

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ByHana O