Jamus Lim

We finally know who the “Queen” of Jamus Lim’s life is.

He made this public in Facebook and Instagram accounts on Tuesday, Mar 8,   International Women’s Day.

While the Workers’ Party MP  (Sengkang GRC) dedicated the post to the women “who call (and have called) so many of the shots in my life,” the photo he posted was that of his young daughter, aka “the Queen, adding “for whom we invest for the future”.

Along with “the Queen,” he saluted his wife, sister, and mother.

“To…the Love (for whom if without, I would not be able to do half the things that I do), the Sis (for whom I find repeated reason to be immensely proud), and the Matriarch (for whom I remain forever grateful for her sacrifices)—may the world continue to fight for your rights, dignity, and freedom. To them, and all the others that hold up half the sky: Happy International Women’s Day,” he wrote.

The Workers’ Party also had an International Women’s Day Facebook post, highlighting quotes on gender equality from speeches  its MPs have made in Parliament.

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It also summarised as well as the party’s key points supporting women in the manifesto from the General Election of 2020.

WP Chief and Leader of the Opposition Pritam Singh shared the party’s post, underlining that women deserve “Equal Rights, Equal Respect”.

He wrote, “Why do we recognise the achievements of women every International Women’s Day? It remains very relevant, amongst other reasons, because of a male superiority complex among some men, or worse, because misogyny continues to persist in certain communities and groups, perhaps not in public, but behind closed doors.”



Read also: 

Jamus Lim: Resident shares concerns over migrant professionals crowding out locals – Singapore News 

Resident talks to Jamus Lim about challenges singles face in Singapore 

Resident tells Jamus Lim that higher prices are “too close, too many, can’t breathe” – Singapore News 


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