Obbana Rajah

After the recent Cabinet reshuffle, four schoolmates from Raffles Junior College (RJC) find themselves colleagues.

This reunion comes 30 years after taking their A-Level examinations together.

The four, Edwin Tong, Chan Chun Sing, Ong Ye Kung and Tan Chuan-Jin were all batch-mates at RJC.

However, right after JC, their paths diverged a bit, before coincidentally coming together again during this Cabinet reshuffle.

After junior college, current Minister for Education Ong Ye Kung became a civil servant, Minister for Trade and Industry Chan Chun Sing and Speaker of the House Tan Chuan-Jin both went on to join the Singapore Armed Forces, becoming generals, and Edwin Tong, soon-to-be Senior Minister of State for Law and Health was Senior Counsel at Allen & Gledhill LLC.

2015 also saw all four former RJC boys elected to Parliament, with two in Marine Parade GRC – Edwin Tong and Tan Chuan-Jin.


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