Sekou Clarke, a former track and field star, recently shared his insights into the often-overlooked post-sports phase of an athlete’s life, highlighting the struggle to channel years of discipline and dedication into a new path.

After the race is over, many athletes face the daunting transition from the track to the business world, stripped of their familiar routine and identity and facing a future where medals no longer define their worth. Could it be that the real race begins only after the finish line?

Clarke stated; “A lot of agents don’t talk to their athletes about [life] after track. It pains me when I see an athlete who was a medallist, someone doing extremely well, and post-track life isn’t anywhere close to what you would expect.”

In order to gain attention for their power, speed and achievements, athletes spend years building their reputations on their sporting prowess. However, entering the business or entrepreneurial sphere often requires major changes. It can be difficult. Many former athletes wind up in positions well below their potential despite their extraordinary talent.

Still, athletes can be successful, too, after hanging up their boots.

Sekou Clarke talked about how his competitive attitude helped him succeed among Harvard and Yale grads throughout his career as a business consultant.

However, a lack of focus causes many athletes to struggle after retirement, weighed down by financial or mental health issues. The need for improved support networks for retired athletes is highlighted by the fact that even millionaire sports stars, such as Mike Tyson and NFL player Terrell Owens, were victims of poor financial planning, exploitation, and overspending.

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Athletes who are conditioned to concentrate on the next match, season, or trophy may experience psychological devastation upon retiring. Destructive habits like substance addiction, careless spending, or even self-harm can result from a lack of a support network, leaving former sports stars feeling depressed, anxious, and purposeless.

The downward spiral can end in tragedy. NFL icon Junior Seau eventually committed suicide in 2012 after struggling with depression. The sports community was shocked by his passing.

But there is hope — and remedy.

Athletes must begin preparing for life after sports while still competing to avoid post-retirement hardship, Clarke emphasised. He urged athletes to recognise their worth and leverage their transferable skills. “You didn’t accept mediocrity on the track, so why accept it off the track?” he asked, noting that many athletes struggle not from lack of opportunity, but from doubting their potential in other fields.

“It’s not about me being fast and winning medals,” Clarke explained, speaking from his own experience. “It’s about what got me to win medals: discipline, hunger, drive, and fortitude. Those things can make anyone successful in almost any venue they walk into.”